jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

exercise: Wishes and regrets in the past, present and future

Wishes and regrets in the past, present and future

This is Scott who has been with his girlfriend, tracy, for 3 years. They met when Scott was having a relationship with Sharon, tracys best friend
It was love at first sight, so ha decided to ginish his relationship with Sharon and start one with tracy
In the beginning, they spent most of their time together and got along perfectly. About a year ago, however, tracy got promoted at work and since then she has been spending more time at the office and less time with him. It has resulted in a lot of problems and arguments
Even  though Scott finished with Sharon to be with tracy they decided to keep in touch over the last few years
About a month ago Scott spent the evening with Sharon, while tracy was working overtime, and ended up telling her about the difficulties he and tracy were experiencing. Sharon confessed that she wasnt upset to her that their relationchip wasnt as perfect as shed imagined and admitted that she was still in love with Scott
Scott spent the night with Sharon, but the next day woke up and instantly regretted it. He realised that tracy is definitely the one he wants to be with, despite their problems.
For the last month Scott has been worrying himself sick about his actiones, so much so that its been affecting his job and his boss has warned him that if his work doesnt imrove son he will be fired
This is tracy who has been with her boyfriend, Scott, for 3 years. Scott was having a relationship with her best fiend, Sharon, when they met. Shes sorry that she caused the Split of their relationship, and has felt too guilty to keep being friend with Sharon, but felt instantly atteacted to Scott
Tracy and Scott couldnt see enough of each other at the start of their relationship but recently theyve been spending less and less time together and have  been having more and more arguments
She got promoted to office manager at work about a year ago and since then has had to spend a lot more time at the office. She loves her new position and the challenges it brings and doesnt understand why  Scott isnt more supportive of her.
Tracy has noticed that within the last month Scott has become more distant and irritable. If  she asks him any questions about where he was or what he was doing  he loses his temper and accuses her of not trusting him.
She doesnt know why but her intuitions tells her that it has something to do with Sharon. She hopes that she is wrong
Read the information about Scott and tracy and answer the questions below
1.       How long have Scott and Tracy been going out?
A=/ they have been going out for 3 years.

2.       How did they meet?
A=/ they met because his ex-girlfriend, Sharon, was Tracy’s best friend.

3.       Why do you think Sharon’s promotion caused problems between them?
A=/ her promotion affected them because she had to spend more time at the office, which meant, less time with him.

4.       How does Scott feel now about his cheating?
A=/ he feels guilty and miserable and now he is having trouble in his work.

5.       Why does Tracy suspect that Sharon may be involved?
A=/because he is acting weird and he loses his temper and acuses her of not trusting him really often, besides her intuition tells her that Sharon is involved.


1.       I wish I…could stop mixing my problems with my job.
2.       I wish I had…talked to Tracy about the things I was feeling.
3.       I wish Tracy would…have spent more time with me.
4.       I regret…telling Sharon about my problems with Tracy.
5.       If only I hadn’t  cheated on Tracy.
1.       I hope to be wrong about Scott.
2.       I wish to spend less time working.
3.       I wish I hadn’t met Sharon.
4.       I regret that I caused Scott and Sharon’s break up.
5.       If only I knew what is wrong with Scott.

Group members: Sara López Franco/Cristian Augusto Giraldo Cañon/ Alejandro Vega Timaná

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