jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

30 august- 5 september exercise G

Future Perfect - Statements - Exercise

You answered 10 tasks out of 10 correctly.
That's 100%.
Your results:

1) Anne  will have repaired her bike next week.
2) We  shall have done the washing by 8 o'clock.
3) She  will have visited Paris by the end of next year.
4) I  shall have finished this by 6 o'clock.
5) Sam  will have left by next week.
6) She  will have discussed this with her mother tonight.
7) The police  will have arrested the driver.
8) They  will have written their essay by tomorro
 9) Paolo   will have managed the teams.
10) If we can do that - then we  shall have fulfilled our mission.

Since and for

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