jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

exercise: impossible/improbable situations

• Meet aliens
• Religious people can not be with women
• Winning the lottery
• Go to all countries around the world
• Knowing all the world's natural places
• Talk to everyone in the world
• Read minds
• See through things
• Fly
• Go to another country
• Go to another galaxy
• Knowing the whole universe
• Discover another continent
• Play animal talking
• Talking objects
• Water Walking
• Go to the center of the earth
• Enter an erupting volcano


• If I could detect an alien, the known
• If I were religious, women would not
• If I were really lucky, I win the lottery
• If I had a lot of money, go to every country in the world
• If they were few and natural tourist sites, might meet all the world's natural places
• If you speak too fast, talk to people all over the world
• If you have special powers, read the mind
• If I had magical powers, would see through things
• If I were a bird, fly
• If you have visa and money, go to another country
• If it were possible, would go to another galaxy
• If it were not so infinite, seek to know the entire universe
• If they had not discovered all the large tracts of land, discover another continent
• If animal, listen to talk to animals
• If I were in a dream, the objects speak
• If you were a saint, walk on water
• If science and research, go to the center of the earth
• If you were to kill me, come to an erupting volcano


I once had a dream related to aliens and a meteorite would fall to the ground.
The dream consists of being the following: I was in the room with my family, suddenly we see a lot of alien ships in the sky, with form of circle and triangle, with colors blue, yellow and shining.

We decided to go see them with your family and neighbors . Everyone was amazed by what was happening, but more surprising is when I look at the sky and see a light coming, there is growing closer, I was curious at first but then I began to fear, I started thinking "sleep" was going to die, I left all my family, we were together and very sad at what would happen, we all decided to start praying to God to help us. I closed my eyes and pray very strong faith, when I opened me up sweating like at 3 in the morning.

• If it was not a dream, would be dead (jaja)
• If I had gone to bed early and I had not seen the 2012 movie before bed, would not have had this nightmare


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