martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

11-17 october


(1) "It was your fault."
The cyclist BLAMED the bus driver FOR causing the accident.

(2) "You caused it."
The cyclist ACCUSED the bus driver OF causing the accident.

(3) "It's a really good idea. You'll meet lots of people."
New students are always ENCOURAGED to join social clubs when they first go to university.

(4) "It's not true."
The politician DENIED having an affair with his research assistant – they were just working late.

(5) "Why don't we go to Italy?"
I SUGGESTED going to Italy for our holidays, but everyone else wanted to go to Portugal.

(6) "Well done!"
Students generally CONGRATULATE each other ON passing their exams.

(7) "We're getting engaged."
Christine and Harry ANNOUNCED at the party that they were getting engaged.

(8) "You should see a solicitor."
The landlord of my neighbour's flat wanted to double the rent, so I ADVICE her to see a solicitor.

(9) "You won't see him alive again."
The kidnapper THREATENED to kill their son if they informed the police.

(10) "OK."
The union AGREED to call off the strike if safety measures were introduced.


1) Direct = “Why don't we go to the cinema?” he said. Indirect =
Indirect = He to the cinema.
a) suggested going

2) Direct = “Watch out! The bull looks dangerous,” they said
Indirect = They the dangerous bull.
b) warned us against

3) Direct = “Daddy, I'm going out with John,” she said.
Indirect = Sue with John.
b) confessed that she was going

4) Direct = “What a pity I didn't see the ceremony,” he said.
Indirect = He not seeing the ceremony.
a) regretted

5) Direct = “You are right. it was a mistake to get up so early,” Chris said.
Indirect = Chris early was a mistake.
a) admitted getting up

6) Direct = “Thank you very much indeed,” he said.
Indirect = He Susan.
b) thanked

7) Direct = “Robert, welcome to our city!” the Lord Mayor said.
Indirect = The Lord Mayor Robert.
d) greeted

8) Direct = “Look, he is a thief!” the greengrocer said.
Indirect = The greengrocer him of being a thief.
a) accused

9) Direct = “I will help you, Tom, for sure,” the teacher said.
Indirect = The teacher to help Tom.
a) promised

10) Direct = “Stay with us until tomorrow, OK. ?
Indirect = The uncle on our staying with them for the night.
d) insisted

11) Direct = “How about having a swim?” they said.
Indirect = They having a swim.
a) suggested

12) Direct = “Mummy, buy me that toy, please, please,” the kid said.
Indirect = The kid her Mum to buy him a toy.
c) begged

13) Direct = “It's a pity we didn't meet the president,” they said.
Indirect = They not meeting the president.
c) regretted

14) Direct = “Look out! Timber!” the foreman said.
Indirect = The foreman the other workers against the falling tree.
d) warned

15) Direct = “You'd better start learning for the exam, Roger,” the biology teacher said.
Indirect = The biology teacher Roger to start learning for the exam.
b) advised

4-10 october

Special verbs for Reported Speech

Your score is 100%.
<= 1/12 =>
1. "Why don't you buy one?" said Tom.
Tom ________________ I buy one.

:-) A suggested

B invited

C advised

D threatened

Your score is 100%.
<= 2/12 =>
2. "We really must go with you," they said.
They ________________ on going with me.

:-) A insisted

B threatened

C reminded

D invited

Your score is 100%.
<= 3/12 =>
3. "Don't forget to phone Granny," said Mum.
Mum ________________ me to phone Granny.

A threatened

B promised

C warned

:-) D reminded

Your score is 100%.
<= 4/12 =>
4. "If you wear my T-shirt again, I'll pinch you very hard," said Maggy.
Maggie ________________ to pinch me very hard if I wore her T-shirt again.

A invited

:-) B threatened

C suggested

Your score is 100%.
<= 5/12 =>
5. "I promise I'll take you to Prague," said Mary.
Mary ________________ to take me to Prague.

A suggested

:-) B promised

C reminded

D threatened

Your score is 100%.
<= 6/12 =>
6. "I didn't do it," she said.
She _________ doing it.

A warned

:-) B denied

C refused

D threatened

Your score is 100%.
<= 7/12 =>
7. "I hope Andy phones tonight," said Clare.
Clare ________________ Andy would phone that night.

A invited

:-) B hoped

C threatened

D reminded

Your score is 100%.
<= 8/12 =>
8. "Have lunch with me," she said.
She ________________ me to have lunch with her.

A insisted

B advised

:-) C invited
D reminded

Your score is 100%.
<= 9/12 =>
9. "Please, please don't tell anyone!" he said.
He ________________ me not to tell anyone.

A invited

:-) B begged

C threatened

D reminded

Your score is 100%.
<= 10/12 =>
10. "Don't fly kites near electric overhead cables," said my father.
My father ________________ me not to fly kites near electric overhead cables.

A invited

:-) B warned

C promised

D threatened

Your score is 100%.
<= 11/12 =>
11. "You should have lessons," she said.
She ________________ me to have lessons.

A warned

B suggested

C threatened

:-) D advised

Your score is 100%.
Questions answered correctly: 12/12
Your score is 100%.
<= 12/12 =>
12. "I won't do it," he said.
He ________________ to do it.

A denied

B invited

:-) C refused

D threatened

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

exercise: impossible/improbable situations

• Meet aliens
• Religious people can not be with women
• Winning the lottery
• Go to all countries around the world
• Knowing all the world's natural places
• Talk to everyone in the world
• Read minds
• See through things
• Fly
• Go to another country
• Go to another galaxy
• Knowing the whole universe
• Discover another continent
• Play animal talking
• Talking objects
• Water Walking
• Go to the center of the earth
• Enter an erupting volcano


• If I could detect an alien, the known
• If I were religious, women would not
• If I were really lucky, I win the lottery
• If I had a lot of money, go to every country in the world
• If they were few and natural tourist sites, might meet all the world's natural places
• If you speak too fast, talk to people all over the world
• If you have special powers, read the mind
• If I had magical powers, would see through things
• If I were a bird, fly
• If you have visa and money, go to another country
• If it were possible, would go to another galaxy
• If it were not so infinite, seek to know the entire universe
• If they had not discovered all the large tracts of land, discover another continent
• If animal, listen to talk to animals
• If I were in a dream, the objects speak
• If you were a saint, walk on water
• If science and research, go to the center of the earth
• If you were to kill me, come to an erupting volcano


I once had a dream related to aliens and a meteorite would fall to the ground.
The dream consists of being the following: I was in the room with my family, suddenly we see a lot of alien ships in the sky, with form of circle and triangle, with colors blue, yellow and shining.

We decided to go see them with your family and neighbors . Everyone was amazed by what was happening, but more surprising is when I look at the sky and see a light coming, there is growing closer, I was curious at first but then I began to fear, I started thinking "sleep" was going to die, I left all my family, we were together and very sad at what would happen, we all decided to start praying to God to help us. I closed my eyes and pray very strong faith, when I opened me up sweating like at 3 in the morning.

• If it was not a dream, would be dead (jaja)
• If I had gone to bed early and I had not seen the 2012 movie before bed, would not have had this nightmare


exercise: Wishes and regrets in the past, present and future

Wishes and regrets in the past, present and future

This is Scott who has been with his girlfriend, tracy, for 3 years. They met when Scott was having a relationship with Sharon, tracys best friend
It was love at first sight, so ha decided to ginish his relationship with Sharon and start one with tracy
In the beginning, they spent most of their time together and got along perfectly. About a year ago, however, tracy got promoted at work and since then she has been spending more time at the office and less time with him. It has resulted in a lot of problems and arguments
Even  though Scott finished with Sharon to be with tracy they decided to keep in touch over the last few years
About a month ago Scott spent the evening with Sharon, while tracy was working overtime, and ended up telling her about the difficulties he and tracy were experiencing. Sharon confessed that she wasnt upset to her that their relationchip wasnt as perfect as shed imagined and admitted that she was still in love with Scott
Scott spent the night with Sharon, but the next day woke up and instantly regretted it. He realised that tracy is definitely the one he wants to be with, despite their problems.
For the last month Scott has been worrying himself sick about his actiones, so much so that its been affecting his job and his boss has warned him that if his work doesnt imrove son he will be fired
This is tracy who has been with her boyfriend, Scott, for 3 years. Scott was having a relationship with her best fiend, Sharon, when they met. Shes sorry that she caused the Split of their relationship, and has felt too guilty to keep being friend with Sharon, but felt instantly atteacted to Scott
Tracy and Scott couldnt see enough of each other at the start of their relationship but recently theyve been spending less and less time together and have  been having more and more arguments
She got promoted to office manager at work about a year ago and since then has had to spend a lot more time at the office. She loves her new position and the challenges it brings and doesnt understand why  Scott isnt more supportive of her.
Tracy has noticed that within the last month Scott has become more distant and irritable. If  she asks him any questions about where he was or what he was doing  he loses his temper and accuses her of not trusting him.
She doesnt know why but her intuitions tells her that it has something to do with Sharon. She hopes that she is wrong
Read the information about Scott and tracy and answer the questions below
1.       How long have Scott and Tracy been going out?
A=/ they have been going out for 3 years.

2.       How did they meet?
A=/ they met because his ex-girlfriend, Sharon, was Tracy’s best friend.

3.       Why do you think Sharon’s promotion caused problems between them?
A=/ her promotion affected them because she had to spend more time at the office, which meant, less time with him.

4.       How does Scott feel now about his cheating?
A=/ he feels guilty and miserable and now he is having trouble in his work.

5.       Why does Tracy suspect that Sharon may be involved?
A=/because he is acting weird and he loses his temper and acuses her of not trusting him really often, besides her intuition tells her that Sharon is involved.


1.       I wish I…could stop mixing my problems with my job.
2.       I wish I had…talked to Tracy about the things I was feeling.
3.       I wish Tracy would…have spent more time with me.
4.       I regret…telling Sharon about my problems with Tracy.
5.       If only I hadn’t  cheated on Tracy.
1.       I hope to be wrong about Scott.
2.       I wish to spend less time working.
3.       I wish I hadn’t met Sharon.
4.       I regret that I caused Scott and Sharon’s break up.
5.       If only I knew what is wrong with Scott.

Group members: Sara López Franco/Cristian Augusto Giraldo Cañon/ Alejandro Vega Timaná

6-12 september exercise

Wishes and Regrets

Complete the sentences
to make/ to reserve/me/you/to see/to remind/ to be/you/you
I wish_____to make_____ a complaint
I wish _____to reserve____ a table for six
We wish____ to remind _____ our customers we will be clossed tomorrow
I wish____you_____ all the best in your new job
We wish ____you_____ a merry Christmas
I dont wish ____to be_______ identified
Wish ______me ____luck for my exam
I wish ____to see_____ the manager
I wish ____you_____ a safe journey

Mix and match

Complete the sentences with the verbs below

Wasn’t/wasn’t/could/hadn’t/was seeing/lived/had/was/did/would
I ‘m going home tomorrow. I wish I____would_______
I live in the city. I wish I ______lived______ in the country
I told him all about it. I wish I ____wasn’t______
I can’t go with you. I wish I ______ could_______
I didn’t have time to see them. I wish I ____did____
I don’t know his phone number. I wish I _____had____
I’m not seeing him until Thursday. I wish I _____was seeing _______him tonight
He is right as usual . I wish he ____hadn’t______
She isn’t her. I wish she__was___
They won’t hep me. I wish they ___wasn’t_____

30 august- 5 september exercise G

Future Perfect - Statements - Exercise

You answered 10 tasks out of 10 correctly.
That's 100%.
Your results:

1) Anne  will have repaired her bike next week.
2) We  shall have done the washing by 8 o'clock.
3) She  will have visited Paris by the end of next year.
4) I  shall have finished this by 6 o'clock.
5) Sam  will have left by next week.
6) She  will have discussed this with her mother tonight.
7) The police  will have arrested the driver.
8) They  will have written their essay by tomorro
 9) Paolo   will have managed the teams.
10) If we can do that - then we  shall have fulfilled our mission.

Since and for

30 august- 5 september exercise F

Cumulative Verb Tense Review

Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.

1. When Carol (call) called last night, I (watch) was watching my favorite show on television.

2. I (work) have been working for this company for more than thirty years, and I intend to stay here until I retire!

3. Sharon (love) loves to travel. She (go) goes abroad almost every summer. Next year, she plans to go to Peru.

4. Thomas is an author. He (write) writes mystery novels and travel memoirs. He (write) has been writing since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write) has written seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of poetry.

5. We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we (get) got to the train station, Susan (wait) had been waiting for us for more than two hours.

6. Sam (try) was trying to change a light bulb when he (slip) slipped and (fell) fell.

7. Everyday I (wake) wake up at 6 o'clock, (eat) eat breakfast at 7 o'clock and (leave) leave for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I (get) got up at 6:30, (skip) skipped breakfast and (leave) left for work late because I (forget) had forgotten to set my alarm.

8. Right now, Jim (read) is reading the newspaper and Kathy (make) is making dinner. Last night at this time, they (do) were doing the same thing. She (cook) was cooking and he (read) was reading the newspaper. Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) will also be doing the same thing. She (prepare) will be preparing dinner and he (read) will be reading. They are very predictable people!

9. By this time next summer, you (complete) will have completed your studies and (find) will have found a job. I, on the other hand, (accomplish, not) will not have accomplished anything. I (study, still) will still be studying and you (work) will be working in some new high paying job.

10. The students (be, usually) are usually taught by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they (be) are being taught by Mr. Tanzer.

11. Jane talks on the phone.
Bob has been talking on the phone for an hour.
Mary is talking on the phone.
Who is not necessarily on the phone now? jane

12. I'm going to make dinner for Frank.
I'm making dinner for Judy.
I'll make dinner for Mary.
I make dinner for Ted.
I will be making dinner for Tony.
Who are you offering to make dinner for? mary

13.Jane left when Tim arrived.
Bob left when Tim had arrived.
Tim arrived when Mary was leaving.
John had left when Tim arrived.
After Tim arrived, Frank left.
Who did not run into Tim? john

14.Jane is talking in class.
Bob always talks in class.
Mary is always talking in class.
Whose action bothers you? mary's

15.Jane never left Jamestown.
Bob has never left Jamestown.
Who is still alive? bob

30 august- 5 september exercise E

Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.
1. You look really great! (you, work) Have you been working out at the fitness center recently?

2. A: What (you, do) were you doing when the accident occurred?
B: I (try) was trying to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

3. I (have) have had the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.

4. If it (snow) snows this weekend, we (go) will go skiing near Lake Tahoe.

5. A: What do you call people who work in libraries?
B: They (call) are called librarians.

6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to Australia, I (study) will have been studying for nine months and I (be) will have been in England for exactly one year.

7. Sam (arrive) arrived in San Diego a week ago.

8. Samantha (live) lived in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she (live) was living there when the Berlin wall came down.

9. If Vera (keep) keeps drinking, she (lose, eventually) will eventually lose her job.

10. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture (disappear, virtually) had virtually disappeared by the time Europeans first (arrive) arrived in the New World.

11. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) is sleeping.

12. It (rain) has been raining all week. I hope it stops by Saturday because I want to go to the beach.

13. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) missed the bus this morning. You (be) have been late to work too many times. You are fired!

14. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) wake up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) will be shining.

15. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) will have visited the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the United States.

16. I (see) had seen many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. Pictures of the monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually quite small.

17. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) has become much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take) took two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip (be) was very rough and often dangerous. Things (change) have changed a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

18. Joseph's English (improve, really) is really improving, isn't it? He (watch) has been watching American television programs and (study) has been studying his grammar every day since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent.

19. When I (arrive) arrived home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) had prepared a beautiful candlelight dinner.

20. If you (need) need to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) will be staying at the Sheraton in San Francisco.

30 august- 5 september exercise D

Future Continuous / Future Perfect Continuous

Verb Tense Exercise 28

Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.

Simona: Margaret is really going to speak Spanish well when she gets back from that language school in Mexico.
Isabelle: Hopefully! She (take) will have been taking classes for more than six months.
Simona: She is going to be able to speak Spanish with some of our Latin American clients.
Isabelle: Good. Two clients from Peru (visit) will be visiting us next month when Margaret returns. We need someone to entertain them while they are here.

Jason: I am leaving!
Nurse: If you would please wait, the doctor will be with you in ten minutes. The doctor is having some problems with a patient.
Jason: The doctor was having problems with that patient an hour ago. If I wait another ten minutes, I am sure he (have, still) will still be having problems with her. By the time he's finally ready to see me, I (wait) will have been waiting for more than two hours.

Frank: What are you going to be doing tomorrow at five?
Debbie: I (paint) am going to be painting my living room walls.
Frank: Still? How long have you been working on your living room?
Debbie: Forever. By the time I finish, I (redecorate) will have been redecorating the living room for over a week.
Frank: Too bad. I was going to ask if you wanted to see a movie. What about the day after tomorrow?
Debbie: Sorry, I (move) will be moving furniture and (put) will be putting up drapes.

Mr. Jones: What are you going to be doing next year at this time?
Mr. McIntyre: I (work) will be working for a big law firm in New Orleans.
Mr. Jones: I didn't know you were leaving Baton Rouge.
Mr. McIntyre: I got a great job offer which I just can't refuse. Besides, by the time I move, I (live) will have been living in Baton Rouge for over twenty years. I think it's about time for a change.

30 august- 5 september exercise C

Future Perfect / Future Perfect Continuous

Verb Tense Exercise 27

Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.

Jack: Have you been watching the Eco-Challenge on TV?
Janet: Isn't that exciting? It has got to be the most unbelievably difficult sporting event in the world.
Jack: I know. By the time they finish the course, they (raft) will have rafted more than 150 miles down a raging river, (hike) will have hiked through 80 miles of jungle, (climb) will have climbed a volcano and (kayak) will have kayaked through shark-infested waters.
Janet: And don't forget that they (move) will have been moving for at least eight days straight.

Oliver: When are going to get your bachelor's degree, Anne?
Anne: I am going to finish my degree next June. By the time I graduate, I (go) will have gone to four different colleges and universities, and I (study) will have been studying for more than seven years.
Oliver: Wow, that's a long time!
Anne: And I plan to continue on to get a Ph.D.
Oliver: Really? How long is that going to take?
Anne: By the time I finally finish studying, I (be) will have been a student for over 13 years.

Max: Sarah has been in the kitchen all day long.
Jake: It doesn't sound like she's having a very good Thanksgiving.
Max: She (cook) will have been cooking for over seven hours by the time everyone arrives for dinner this afternoon. Hopefully, she (finish) will have finished everything by then.
Jake: Maybe we should help her out.

Mike: It's 6:00, and I have been working on my essay for over three hours.
Sid: Do you think you (finish) will have finished by 10:00? There's a party at Donna's tonight.
Mike: I (complete, probably) will probably have completed the essay by 10:00, but I (work) will have been working on it for more than seven hours, and I don't think I am going to feel like going to a party.

Fred: By the time they finish their trip across Yosemite National Park, they (hike) will have been hiking for more than six days.
Ginger: And they (be, not) will not have been in a bed or (have) had a shower in almost a week!
Fred: When we pick them up, they (eat) will have been eating camping food for days, and I am sure they will be starving.
Ginger: I think we had better plan on taking them directly to a restaurant.

30 august- 5 september exercise B

Future Perfect / Future Perfect Continuous

Verb Tense Exercise 26

Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.

1. By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we (drive) will have driven more than four hundred miles. We are going to be exhausted.

2. When Sarah goes on vacation next month, she (study) will have studied German for over two years. She should be able to communicate fairly well while she is in Austria.

3. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) will have visited the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the United States.

4. By the time you finish studying the verb tense tutorial, you (master) will have mastered all twelve tenses including their passive forms.

5. Drive faster! If you don't hurry up, she (have) will have had the baby by the time we get to the hospital.

6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to Australia, I (study) will have been studying for nine months and I (be) will have been in England for exactly one year.

7. Margie just called and said she would be here at 8 o'clock. By the time she gets here, we (wait) will have been waiting for her for two hours.

8. Frank just changed jobs again. If he keeps this up, he (change) will have changed jobs at least four or five times by the end of the year.

9. Come over to my house around 9 o'clock. By then, I (complete) will have completed my history essay and we can go see a movie.

10. In June, my grandmother and grandfather (be) will have been married for fifty years.

30 august- 5 september exercise A

Simple Future / Future Perfect

Verb Tense Exercise 25

Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.
Margaret: Do you think everything will be finished when I get back from the store?
Jerry: Don't worry. By the time you get back, I (pick) will have picked up the living room and (finish) finished washing the dishes. Everything will be perfect when your parents arrive.
Margaret: I hope so. They (arrive) are going to arrive around 6 o'clock.
Jerry: Everything (be) will be spotless by the time they get here.

Nick: I just have two more courses before I graduate from university. By this time next year, I (graduate) will have graduated, and I will already be looking for a job.
Stacey: Does that scare you? Are you worried about the future?
Nick: Not really. I (go) am going to go to a career counselor and get some advice on how to find a good job.
Stacey: That's a good idea.
Nick: I am also going to do an internship so that when I leave school, I (complete, not only) will not only have completed over 13 business courses, but I (work, also) will also have worked in the real world.

Stan: Did you hear that Christine (take) is going to take a vacation in South America this winter?
Fred: I can't believe how often she goes abroad. Where exactly does she want to go?
Stan: She (visit) is going to visit Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.
Fred: At this rate, she (visit) will have visited every country in the world by the time she's 50.

Judy: How long have you been in Miami?
Elaine: I have only been here for a couple of weeks.
Judy: How long do you plan on staying?
Elaine: I love Miami, so I (stay) am going to stay here for an extended period of time. When I go back home, I (be) will have been here for more than three months.
Judy: Wow, that's quite a vacation! You (see, definitely) will definitely have seen just about everything there is to see in Miami by then.

Jane: I can't believe how late we are! By the time we get to the dinner, everyone (finish, already) will already have finished eating.
Jack: It's your own fault. You took way too long in the bathroom.
Jane: I couldn't get my hair to look right.
Jack: Who cares? By the time we get there, everyone (left) will have left. Nobody (see, even) will even see your hair.